Why is it so difficult to feed ourselves with healthy and ethical food? Vegan, Carnivore, Keto, Gluten - Free. How is anyone supposed to know what to do?
The AI Apocalypse
Sci-Fi movies are now the reality, we have Boston Dynamics clambering gracefully over obstacles and backflipping to show off his success, we have self-landing rockets and autonomous marine vehicles to clean the oceans, we now have Chat GPT to write our emails, essays, coursework, love letters and eulogies, and we even have AI to turn... Continue Reading →
AA-mazing – An Alcoholics Anonymous Experience
Fear, uncertainty, apprehension, maybe even a touch of Imposter Syndrome were all coursing through my veins as I stepped into the first Alcoholics Anonymous meeting of my life. I wasn´t sure if I belonged there or if my 4 year abstinence from alcohol meant that I was not really an alcoholic.
Should I Take Strattera?
"Should I take Strattera" , or any medication, is a question that gets asked more frequently as the searches for Strattera related posts on Google seemingly increase. I tried to explain not just an understanding of the drug and its effects but an understanding of the changes that were happening as I struggled to break free from addiction, anxiety, depression and repeated toxic behaviours.
The Path To Addiction Recovery
Although the path to addiction recovery seems like a simple, process, you very quickly find yourself down the rabbit hole, with no escape,
How to Overcome Trauma
As some people may know I was recently diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder / Aspergers and this whole process of “labelling” and self-identification is what hurled me further through a process of self-discovery and evolution. Having to analyse all of my behaviours in a series of tests, and question my actions, really gave me a new perspective on my personality. I started to learn about myself in far more depth and identified repeating issues in my life.
Coming Off Strattera
Coming off Strattera can be a roller-coaster ride. which will test you and cause you to grow. Strattera can be a stepping stone to a new life
The Art of Vulnerability – How Vulnerable Are You?
How vulnerable are you and what does it really mean to be vulnerable. Find out how vulnerability can lead to a new perspective on life.
Letting Go of Control
Letting go of control can change your life forever. Free yourself from anxiety & stop self sabotaging by letting go of control of your brain.
Life After Strattera
Life after Strattera has not been easy but each day that passes I feel more positive and closer to finding the inner peace that I have spent my life searching for.