
Racing thoughts  from nought to one hundred, Its no wonder you´re stressed and depressed Cos there´s no rest for the brain on the bullet train with pain as the final destination. But you don’t have to wait for that station, Cos theres plenty of stops on the way and alternative locations to stay in. No... Continue Reading →

#6 – A Psychologists Toolkit for Creating a Healthy and Successful Career with Rosana Corbacho

Rosana Corbacho is a clinical and humanistic psychologist who specialises in mental health support for the music industry. She tours with DJ´s and Musicians to offer Psychological support. Her passion for this led her to found M.I. Therapy.  Her practice focuses on treating addiction, anxiety, depression and other disorders as well as personal development for... Continue Reading →

How to Overcome Trauma

As some people may know I was recently diagnosed with Autism Spectrum Disorder / Aspergers and this whole process of “labelling” and self-identification is what hurled me further through a process of self-discovery and evolution. Having to analyse all of my behaviours in a series of tests, and question my actions, really gave me a new perspective on my personality. I started to learn about myself in far more depth and identified repeating issues in my life.

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